Siggraph 2015 Google calendars

To add to your google calendars, cut and paste the address for the calendar into the “Add a friend’s calendar” box in the “Other calendars” list on the left side of the google calendar page.

Let me know if you see any errors.  The schedule can change, and I endeavor to update these when I see changes.

  • Courses
  • Papers
    (And links to the papers)
  • Talks (including panels)
  • Special events
  • Birds of a feather

14 Comments on “Siggraph 2015 Google calendars”

  1. Rob Pieké says:

    A god-send as always! Small glitch with the Thurs 2pm “Ant Man” Prod session being labeled as “Peanuts”.

  2. skitten says:

    Fixed – thanks for pointing that out!

  3. Debi Taylor says:

    As I said.. Ciaran, you sir, are a Rockstar!

  4. aline says:

    Hey…somehow the address says it doesnt exist whenever i paste it on the add friends calendar, am i doing something wrong?

  5. Hi there, thank you soooo much for these very useful calendars!!!

    I downloaded fresh copies today of your calendars as well as the Siggraph final advance program and found a few talks in your calendar, that are not (no longer?) listed in the advance program:
    – “Demystifying VR Cinema”
    – “Cracking Animation: Behind the Scenes With Aardman”
    – “Designing Epic Experiences”
    – “Insights in Game Production”

    I also went through all the papers and courses side by side and happy to report they are all in sync!
    Hope this helps!

  6. Eric Haines says:

    I wish I had looked earlier: the Special Events calendar is missing our “Freezing Time” Making @ SIGGRAPH workshop Sunday at 12:15. It’s on page 25 of the Advanced Program. Info here:

  7. Eric Haines says:

    Oh, also, you might want to check this site over: – I noticed the Chapters Party is (tentatively) listed there, for example. Thanks for these wonderful listings, as usual – invaluable!

  8. Wil says:

    Hi! Thank you for the calendars every year.
    Do you plan to add one for Siggraph Asia next month too?

  9. Wil says:

    Well, if anyone’s interested, I made a small calendar of Siggraph Asia 2015 sessions. Feel free to improve it.

  10. Xavier says:

    Hi skitten,
    Will you be publishing a calendar for 2016?
    I can’t believe that Siggraph does not have one yet.

  11. I’ve made new calendars available for SIGGRAPH 2016. You can find them at

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