Siggraph 2012 google calendars

Here we go again…

To add to your google calendars, cut and paste the address for the calendar into the “Add a friend’s calendar” box in the “Other calendars” list on the left side of the google calendar page.

Let me know if you see any errors.  The schedule can change, and I endeavor to update these when I see changes.  Also there don’t appear to be any room assignments for Birds of a Feather sessions yet; I’ll update the calendar if I get this information.

  • Courses
  • Papers
  • Talks (including Panels)
  • Special Events
  • Birds of a Feather

9 Comments on “Siggraph 2012 google calendars”

  1. Dan Wexler says:

    Amazing. Not sure how I’d survive SIGGRAPH without these. I’ve used them for the past three years, and I’d like to thank you for them personally. Email me — I may have the proper gift. Thanks for doing this work!

  2. Eric Haines says:

    Andres’ talk on Processing 2.0 on Tuesday is cancelled, still shows it but I asked him, he said it’s gone. Catch it on Monday instead,

    • skitten says:

      Thanks for the heads up – I’m going to run through the schedules again this weekend and check everything is up to date.

  3. Benoit_Bm says:

    Many thanks again for this precious tool! Bm

  4. Kevin Beason says:

    Thank you!

  5. Hi,
    Are you planning to have Google Calendars for Siggraph 2013?
    I would be great

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